You don't really have to read all these
It's quite a bit huge chunk of text, we know, but we really love to be transparent and explain what we do and how we do it.
Business design is a relatively new discipline that is conformed by design methodologies and business tools. It was developed to complement the growing relevance of design methodologies in the business world.
Many tools have been developed in the technology and design fields so businesses can find the answers to strategic questions in the early stages of the business. The current markets are extremely competitive, making the strategy a must for any business, therefore we are bringing the most effective tools to small and medium business, so you can get the maximum benefit of strategic planning while investing the minimum effort.
Your business strategy is all that you have done to accomplish business goals and to secure a competitive position in the market. It is the long-range sketch of the desired image, direction and destination of the organization.
Who your customers are? What are they looking for? Is that what you are offering? Where can you find them? How are you going to reach them? – Those are some of the most important questions you need to ask. Knowing your customers, your value proposition and how to connect between them is the base of every business.
We got bitten by the creativity bug
We understand creativity as seeing the intersection of seemingly unrelated topics and combining existing knowledge into something novel, good, and useful. We bring together models, tools and experience from the organizational, business and design fields with the purpose of creating a path to the business goal.
Our journey with each organization is constructed as an ordered process. Each part of the process has a certain objective, uses the outcomes from the previous step and contributes to the following one. Sticking to the plan is mandatory to bring out the most from the process, but also responding to change is, therefore we constantly deliver and re-evaluate with the stakeholders.
We fervently believe in a process
We have a special corner in our heart to efficiency
Signifies a peak level of performance that uses the least amount of inputs to achieve the highest amount of outputs. Since the resources are always limited, we believe in investing each unit of effort where it will make the most. The good use of time and energy in a way that does not waste any.
Individuals and interactions over processes and tools. The organization, the customers, the partners and the suppliers all have one thing in common: they are all humans. It’s crucial to value people and to have a human centered approach when analyzing and designing the business processes and interactions, understanding the motivations, pains and goals of the people involved.
We're human friendly (and pets also, of course!)
We speak simplicity
As organizations tend to grow, their processes and activities tend to become more complex. Excess of complexity entangles the decisions making and internal communications. We believe organizations should keep things as simple as possible, building processes and discussing ideas that every member can easily explain.